Jul 21, 2012

Too high.

hello again!
Like what I've said before, I've past the most stressing weeks in my last semester. They drove me crazy since the deadline kept haunting me, whether I was awake or asleep.
Until the final exam weeks came and I could start breathing normally. Well, not like another faculty, the final exam in DKV is the time for us to take a nap, have a normal bedtime, watch tv, and do other activities we can't do at schooldays.
And then the final exam weeks came, and I thought it went well. I hoped the scores would be great too. If this were a game, final exam would be the only life I got and the only chance I had.
And now the scores show up and........not as good as my 1st semester. I didn't expect something like this, and I was quite disappointed. My mom wasn't angry, she said that it's ok, what's matter is that I should evaluate myself for all of these. And even she wasn't angry and I still see a smile from her face, I knew she felt a little disappointment in herself. This made me sad, I'm so sorry :(
But my friends said I should thank God cause I still got a good score, although it's not as good as my 1st semester. I promise to myself I'm gonna pay back in my next semester. And thank God for everything {}

xox, candya
Halo. Hi.
As can you see my last post was on May. and it's July already. Oh......where have I been?
Many things happened in recent months. So I had past a super busy stressing week, final exam weeks, holiday, and also my birthday.
I'm gonna post how my exam was, how my holiday was, and how all of those things were on the next post.

xox, candya

May 7, 2012

Good day to sleep

You have no idea how much I love rain. Especially a rainy Monday morning. First thank God cause I have no class on Monday, yayy! It's a good day to start this whole week, a super busy week.
Anyway, I saw a dark sky this morning. It was 7 am but the sky looked as if it was 5pm. The sun hid behind the clouds and prepared himself so he would be ready when the moon came to replace his place. But once again, it's 7am for god's sake.
I would believe if somebody told me if it's already 5 o'clock in the afternoon if I saw the sky, but it wouldn't be very cold like that. And maybe minutes later, rain was pouring down when I fell asleep. Heaven on earth! And yeah it's the most lazy day ever. All I did until now were only sleeping, listening how cool John Mayer's voice is, blogging, and drawing.
Waiting forward another lazy day like this.

xox, candya
Whoa, maybe it's been a billion years since the last time I posted something here. And it took minutes for me to think what should I write, or maybe how to write. Like I forgot how to do it. I don't know why but I lost my mood to write a long post, and pictures become more interesting to me. And it explains why my recent posts were only photos and some random thought and if there're some sentences, it wouldn't be more than 5 or 6 lines I guess. So here I am, sitting in front of my laptop and thinking what possibly can I write for today's post......?

Mar 15, 2012

(pic from weheartit.com)

I need a me time. Seriously. Lagi merasa super duper bete & gak mood belakangan ini. Mau jalan-jalan ke suatu tempat, sendirian. Makan yang manis-manis di kedai kopi sambil nggambar, beli barang-barang lucu di pinggir jalan. duduk di pantai yang pasirnya putih, foto-foto apapun yang menarik mata, jalan-jalan pake sendal jepit. Yea I know this is kinda random since I've never felt like this way before.

xox, candya

Mar 13, 2012

Just wonder...

This one is for everything and everyone that I love. 
xox, candya
Tom: What happened? Why - why didn't they work out? 
Summer: What always happens. Life. 

Mar 12, 2012

Aku dimana

Di antara ragam rupa warna wajah yang terlihat
Tak satupun yang dapat ku rangkul dan peluk
Semua terlihat sama,
Sama seperti biasanya
Semua terlihat sama
Tapi aku dimana, dimana
Di antara hujan lebat di tengah samudra
Namun tak mampu jua hapuskan segala dahaga
Semua terlihat sama,
Sama seperti biasanya
Semua terlihat sama
Tapi aku dimana, dimana

xox, candya 

Feb 15, 2012

Err, what time is it?

The only reason why I still awake at this time is beacuse I get used to sleep after midnight almost everyday. You know, bad time management so I always catch up on those assignments thingy at afternoon or night. So, I used to be awake at this time at schoolday, and although it is holiday and I have nothing to do at this time I still can hardly sleep, huf. I know this bad habit is not really cool, my mom told me to change it for thousands time, well I'll try.
But anyway, I often get some random thoughts to share around this time. When everybody's sleeping, when the light is off, when the only sound I hear is the music which I played on my iTunes, or that noisy yet lovely sound of crickets (if I'm at home). And yes I do love being awake around this time actually.

Okay, it is 00:00 and goodnight.

xox, candya

Up and up

The sky is blueDreamed that lie til it's trueThen taking back the punch I threwMy arms turn wingsOh those clumsy thingsSend me up to that wonderful worldAnd then I'm up with the birds
Up with the birds - Coldplay
xox, candya

Feb 7, 2012

I tried to do handstands for you

Chairlift - Bruises (Continued with Earwig Town) (Live)

Am currently listening to this song (Bruises by Chairlift) while doing this unfinished color theory assignment. Btw it's final exam weeks but I'm so glad that it'll be over by tomorrow, and holiday is waiting for meeeeh wooohooo! Can't wait.
Happy (early) holiday!


Jan 24, 2012

Good life

Found this video and yeah it's a 2.37 minutes inspiring video that you're gonna love and replay this video over and over again. Well that's exactly what I did and I couldn't stop smiling while watching this. And the only reason why I keep smiling is because every sentence in this video is just....awesome! It makes you think that every one of you can make an enjoyable life. And a simple way can change everything.

The Holstee Manifesto: Lifecycle Video:

These are my favorites:
"Do what you love. And do it often."
"If you don't like your job, quit!"
"Stop over analyzing"
"Some opportunities only come once, seize them."
"Travel often; Getting lost will help you find yourself"